About Us

Who are we?

Chaavadi is a young team with an intent to protect and preserve the culture of Tulu Nadu. One can expect to fulfil his wishes and aspiration of Daivaradhane and other cultural events to come true by reaching us through this platform to contact the talented teams.

We aim in placing a part in people’s heart for the culture and tradition which our ancestors have gifted us and inspire them to carry it forward with our small help.

This store is to financially fuel the vehicle carrying above dreams, intensions and purpose.

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Our vision

To provide services of listed cultural events with utmost quality under one roof and to expand in various other events and showcase the local talents to the country and beyond. We work towards the way where our language, culture and place we are born in are recognized.

Why it all started?

Tulu Nadu, The southwestern coastal region of Karnataka is home to Tulu speaking people. It is known for its rich heritage and culture comprising of varied artforms across globe. Daivaradhane, Yakshagana, Chande Nalike, Pili Nalike, Kambala can said to be vibrant stones in its crown. The culture once marked for its beauty is now masked by a veil of modernization, As a result our younger generation seem to be devoid from its traditional practices, cultural events and sports. Chaavadi is an attempt in showcasing the rich asset of Tulu Nadu to the young and world.

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